M&IHC collaborated with the Micronutrient Forum to support a global child micronutrient diet alliance. M&IHC contributed to this through conducting a landscape review to identify relevant stakeholders and key actors, along with an overview of their activities and priorities. Key informant interviews with leaders in the micronutrient field were critical to this process. The landscape review included a theory of change, a joint statement, a list of critical barriers and enablers, a list of current and planned activities for participants, and a list of skills and knowledge gaps inhibiting progress in creating evidence-based interventions. In addition, M&IHC synthesized key documents on complementary feeding, highlighting specific priorities, challenges, gaps in knowledge, and success factors. This research and facilitation resulted in the “Synthesis of Evidence, Knowledge Gaps, and Priorities for Food-Based and Home-Fortification Interventions”.
Image Source: © UNICEF/UN0342483/Keïta